Tag Archive: risk

Another vegetable in the limelight. It is called Brussel sprouts. It grows in bunches on the stem with the height of 2.5 feet tall. Its phyto-chemical properties encouraged the defense system of the body to protect it from harmful organism. Once it is controlled, the protection against many diseases are possible.

This vegetables has sulforaphane, a powerful glucosinolate phyto-nutrients. It helps body’s detoxification enzymes in its ability to alter gene expression by cleaning the body of all carcinogenic substances. By reducing the damage to the DNA, there will be a reduced risk of cancer. At the same time, it boost the liver to produce enzymes that has the capacity to detoxify cancer-causing chemicals.

Brussel sprouts can assist the body to stop the spread of cancer cells to the internal organs especially in the early stage of its development.

A chemical called glucosinolates has the ability to prevent colon cancer from the exposure of heterocyclic amines, the carcinogenic compound, putting a stop or reduce the development of cancer cells in colon and liver. Brussel sprouts has an effective protective ability to control and eliminate.

Senigrin, a sulfur compound, activates once this vegetables are used, cut, chewed and digested in the body. If in contact with myrosinase enzyme, it releases a glucose including the compound called isothiocyanates, has strong potency to induce enzyme of the liver to detoxify carcinogen. Allyl isothiocyanates, another kind, prevent cell division (mitosis) and encourage programmed cell death (apoptosis).

All cruciferous vegetables including Brussel sprouts can lower incidence of very serious form of cancers (lung, colon, breast, bladder, ovary).

Bladder can be protected by isothiocyanates, a potent compound. An anti-oxidant chemicals can control free radicals to damage DNA,  fat-containing molecules (cholesterol) and cell membranes. It encourage the gene to increase production of enzymes in order to get rid this free radicals.

This vegetables has excellent source of vitamin C. With vitamin C, it helps the immune system to carry out its function to the maximum efficiency. It produces collagen, a protein substance the body relied to its existence (skin, cartilage, tendon and connective tissues).

With vitamin C, the body can defend against infection. Vitamin A and C, make a supple and glowing skin. Brussel sprouts has fibers. Regular intake of fibers can fill up the stomach to ease the hunger. It nourishes the cell lining in the walls of the colon to become healthy. It controls diverticulitis. Good in the performance of the digestive system by having a soft bulky stool easily excreted out of the intestine.

It has enough supply of folic acid necessary for better division of cells. Woman with decrease amount of folic acid during her pregnancy may affect the nervous system of the fetus and cannot develop properly that may result to some form of birth defect.

Take Brussel sprouts. It can make wonder to make the body healthy.

It has a delicate flavor, soft shell and creamy white flesh of summer squash. There are many varieties of squash. They varied in shape, color, size and flavor. The entire vegetables including its flesh, seeds and skin are edible. Some varieties of squash produced edible flowers. There are squash that cannot be stored for long period of time.

There are squash that are big, heavy for their size and have a shiny, unblemished rinds. Select only those that are not very hard. Over-mature squash has hard seeds and stringy flesh. Squash should be handled with care because any small puncture will lead to decay.

It was found that it has anti-cancer effect. The vegetable juices taken from squash has the ability to prevent cell mutations. Extract from squash found to reduce symptom of a condition of men called Benign Prostatic Hyperthrophy or BPH.  This disease occurred when the prostate glands become problematically enlarged that caused difficulty in urinary and sexual function. In combination with other phytonutrient-containing foods, squash can reduce BPH symptoms.

It is an excellent source of manganese and vitamin C. Has good source of magnesium, vitamin A notably through its concentration of carotene including betacarotene, fiber, potassium, folate, copper, riboflavin and phosphorus.

This nutrients are helpful for the prevention of atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease. Magnesium was shown to be helpful for reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke. Together with potassium and magnesium, it reduces high blood pressure. Vitamin C and beta-carotene help to prevent the oxidation of cholesterol. Oxidized cholesterol is build up in blood vessel walls. This nutrient reduces the progression of atherosclerosis.

Folate are needed by the body to break down a dangerous metabolic by-product called homocysteine that contributes to heart attack and stroke risk level if it gets too high. Its fibers can lower high cholesterol levels to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease.

Squash is useful in the prevention of other condition. High intake of fiber-rich food keep the cancer-causing toxins away from cells in the colon while the folate, vitamin C and betacarotene  protects these cells from the chemicals that lead to colon cancer. The anti-oxidant vitamin C and betacarotene have anti-inflammatory properties that are helpful in asthma, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis caused by inflammation. Copper is also good for reducing the painful symptom of rheumatoid arthritis.

Squash contains measurable amount of oxalate found in plants, animals and human beings. If the oxalate become too concentrated in body fluids, it can crystallize and cause health problem. An untreated kidney or gallbladder disease should avoid eating squash. Oxalate interfere with absorption of calcium from the body in small quantities. It should be taken with moderation.