It is a delicious food. Tropical fruit in North America. A herbaceous perennial plant with thick stem.  It has stalk of hundred of flowers. It has the height of about 3 feet tall. The flowers will develop into a fruit with scales outside. More scales bring stronger taste. Available in year round.  Juicy fruit can satisfy your craving for sweets.

Uses: carries and meat dishes, eaten fresh, canned, frozen, juice, desserts (salad), cooked in pies, pudding or garnish, sauces or preserves, cleaning agent, gargle.

Properties: purgative, emmenagogue, vermifuge, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, proteolytic agent, anthelminthic, diuretic.

It has vitamins and minerals like calcium, fiber and potassium. It’s full of vitamin C.  Low in fat and cholesterol. It helps build a healthy bones. The presence of manganese is needed in the body to build bones and connective tissues. It is helpful for the growth of the children. It helps to strengthen the bones of older people.

Pineapple has the chemical properties to cure cough or cold because of bromelain. It has the ability to loosen mucus that will result to cough.

It acts as anti-oxidant, fightening free radicals because of vitamin C. It help boosts immunity from disease, fighting an infection. Aside from building bones, manganese can also control blood sugar. It has the ability to produce energy and at the same time acts as an antioxidant.

Pineapple is full of fibers. Due to the fibers, it aids digestion. It was found to reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes. It promotes reduction of weight by maintaining normal weight.

Copper make the body less prone to bone density loss, thereby reducing the threat to osteoporosis. At the same time, it can reduce the damage from free radicals. Good alternative in the absorption of iron.

Bromelain is an enzyme that has a natural anti-inflammatory properties. It prevents and relieve constipation due to fibers that regulate it. It was found to prevent nausea, morning sickness or during a trip (motion sickness). A glass of pineapple will be the best choice before the trip.

It has the ability to regulates the glands especially its enlargement in thyroid. Good for chronic digestive disturbance and inflammation of the bronchial tubes.

Fresh pineapple juice is good for removing intestinal worms. Good for oral health by maintaining good layers of gums and can prevent periodontal and gingivitis disease.

It is diuretic. It improves blood circulation. It has the ability to treat women’s nightmare, menstrual disorders. It reduces muscle pains or swelling due to sprain. Good for the eyes and maintaining good vision.