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It is a delicious fruit, soft and succulent. It is popularly raised in Asian countries. It is a tropical tree native in Brunei. It grows 50 meters in height. It has many varieties, differ in size, form, color, sweetness. The tree can bear fruits 5 years after planting. It is a seasonal fruit from June to August. The fruit has unique large size, odor and thorn-covered husk. The fruit may reach a length of 12 inches or 6 inches in diameter. It weighs 4 kilograms. The shape may vary from round to oblong. The color of the rind is green to brown. The flesh color is creamy-yellow to saffron. The color differs in every variety.


The durian fruit was displayed in the market were sold wholly, divided into segments wrapped in clear plastic. Due to its intolerable smell, some countries are banning durian to be brought inside public transport, offices or densely populated places where some people has intense disgust and does not appreciate the intense odor or sulfuric smell. But others are already immune to smell and they can tolerate the odor.

Durian has a nutty, caramel flavor and a noxious smell

The flesh or pulpy meat can be eaten fresh directly from its husk. Its ripeness is the basis of its strong odor. The round or oval-shaped seeds can be eaten after cooking. It is widely used as base flour in culinary preparations.

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Its edible flesh gives strong odor that penetrates deeply to the nose. Many people were disgusted of its intense odor. Many people don’t want to eat because of its stinky flavor.

Durian Tree Facts

The fruits have digestible flesh, soft and sweet. Its sweetness was consisted of simple sugars of fructose and sucrose including simple fats. Durian has source of energy. Eating them can revitalize the body to overcome tiredness and weakness that impedes strength and stamina for the body to work normally. It has fat but does not have cholesterol.

Many fruits have dietary fibers and durian is one among them. It helps ease troubled stomach as it served as a laxative for constipation. It has the ability to protect and safeguard the mucous membrane of the colon from irritation or inflammation. It prevents the activities of free radicals in the colon and controls the development of cancer cells. It has vitamin C (anti-oxidant) property helps the body to resist infection and other harmful agents of disease especially those foreign materials that causes cancers.

The fruits were known to have an excellent source of vitamin B-complex. It has niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine and thiamin. It has minerals like manganese, copper, iron and magnesium. The body used manganese as co-factor for enzyme superoxide. Iron was heeded in cell formation of the blood while copper is important in the production of red blood cells.

Potassium in durian is considered an electrolyte of cells. The body fluids assisted the body in controlling heart rate and blood pressure. If it becomes abnormal, there is elevated blood pressure (hypertension) and abnormal rhythm. It has essential amino acid in higher concentration, the tryptophan which metabolizes in the body into serotonin and melatonin. The function of neuro-chemicals is important in sleep induction. It was noted to have beneficial effect on epilepsy.

Durian must be handled with utmost care because of its sharp thorns in its outside surface. It may cause cuts or deeper wounds. It has high level of tryptophan responsible for the alleviation of depression, insomnia and anxiety. Due to its soft protein, it can build muscles. The seeds are eaten by drying, boiling, frying and roasting.

Durian has high contents of organosulfur compound and tryptophan. It was used as flavoring agent to some food preparations such as candy, biscuits, ice cream and milkshakes.

Concoction from leaves are helpful to cure swelling of the skin, cleanses the blood. Its high iron content helps the white blood cells by producing chemicals that can kill germs because of infection. Trytophan is an amino acid that has important role in producing and maintaining serotonin levels in the body. Serotonin is a hormone in the body that regulates our mood. A low serotonin level may result for a man to have short temper, moody and depressed.

Health benefits of durian already been noted. Some of this health condition where durian participate in the healing of some illness like insomnia, pain, migraine, stress, depression, loss of appetite, pre-menstrual syndrome.


Native in Brunei and other Asian countries. It bears fruit after 5 years. A seasonal fruit. Durian tree grows more than 26 meters from the ground. It has an oblong fruit weighing more or less 10 kilos. It has a thick rind and pointed spines. It has yellow-green color of the rind. It has an edible flesh or pulp. Inside the fruit has different compartment where the creamy-white or yellowish pulp is located. It has a seed with red-brown color.

In Asia, it was now locally and commercially produced. It is abundant during fruiting season. It has a very strong, pungent odor that can turned-off people to eat. Its offensive smell turned people away from the source.

The sweetness of the pulps is beyond compare with other fruits in the market. The first taste can let you look for the second. Once you become familiar with the taste, you will be looking and eating more.

During harvest time, it is not being plucked from the tree. They let it fall to the ground. This is the nature of this fruit during ripening stage. Its sweetness is due to sugars (fructose, sucrose).

Properties: pytonutrients, anti-oxidants, protein, vitamins and minerals. High in calories and carbohydrates, organosulfur compound, tryptophan, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial.

Durian is highly nutritious because of its vitamin E and iron. It has vitamin C and B. It helps lower cholesterol. Found to be a strong blood cleanser. It has high level of amino acid called trytophan found to pacify anxiety and stress. It is good for insomnia (hard to sleep). It raised the level of serotonin in the brain that will cause a happy feeling. It is good muscle builder due to its high level of soft protein. Many had experienced that durian acted as a aphrodisiacs which is good in sex problems. Its roots and leaves is good for the treatment of jaundice and fever.

The decoction of leaves and its fruit can cure swelling. It has a beneficial effect in skin condition. It replenishes energy. Good in the revitalization of the body. Used as supplement food for malnourished children. It has fats but does not have cholesterol.

A good laxative because of its fiber content by protecting the mucous of the colon membrane. It controls and eliminate cancer-causing chemicals that will affect the colon.

Because of its vitamin C, it has the the capacity to resist infection and eliminate free radicals harmful in nature. It has B-element (B-complex, B5,B6,B1), essential in body’s growth and development and resistance against many diseases. It has copper necessary in the production of red blood cells, iron for the formation of red blood cells. Its potassium acts an electrolyte of cells and body fluids. Potassium is the reason for controlled heart rate and normal blood pressure.

It is good for yeast infection because of iron helping the white blood cells of the body to make a chemical that will counter the infection. It decreases the effect of aging on the skin as it slow down the destruction of cells from free radicals.

Uses: Flavor base of sweet products (candy, biscuits, etc.), preparation of ice cream and milkshakes. Unripe durian can be served as vegetables for different menu. Durian seeds can be eaten roasted or boiled, frying. It is used as canned syrup.