Tag Archive: phytonutrients

Cabbage is a member of cruciferae family. It has round shape, superimposed leaf  layers. The 3 types of cabbage are green, savoy and red. Green and red has smooth textured leaves. The leaves of savoy are yellowish-green and ruffled. The inner leaves has lighter in color because it is not directly expose to the heat of the sun. It was used both food and medicine. Brought to Europe 600 B.C. by Celtic people. It become very popular in local food production.

It is a a hardy vegetable grows in fertile soil. Head shape is standard round, flattened, pointed. Most varieties has smooth leaves. A biennial of perennial plants, thick stem, gray-green leaves, four-petal flowers, growing 8 feet, produces enlarged terminal buds into cabbage head.

Properties: bitter, stomachic, cardiotonic, anti-gout, anti-rheumatic, diuretic, laxative, anthelmintic, sulforaphane, glutathione, anthocyanin, lactic acid, glutamine, histidine, isothiocyanates, indo-3-carbinol

It has the capability to fight cancer (lung, stomach, colon, prostate). Good source of vitamin C, fiber, potassium and other nutrients. It provides beta-carotene, an anti-oxidant that battles cancer and heart diseases. It has rich source of calcium. It helps to prevent osteoporosis. Good in controlling blood pressure.

Indoles, the phytochemicals in cabbage, still in the process in confirming their ability to convert into estradiol, an estrogen-like hormone, a key player in the birth of breast cancer. The phytonutrients of cabbage has the capacity to increase the production of enzymes. It is a muscle builder. Good as blood cleansing agent. Can strengthen the eye and its vision.

Proven to heal stomach ulcer. Rich in iron and sulfur. The juice of cabbage can treat fungus because of its sulfur content. It has the ability to lower serum cholesterol. Sulforaphane, is a substance that increases the production of anti-oxidant and detoxification enzymes. It stimulates the production of glutathione, oxidant in liver detoxification. The vitamin C contents of red cabbage is higher. It contains anthocyanin (red pigment) helps protects the brain cells, preventing Alzheimer’s disease. It can relieve sore eyes and control infection.

It is anti-inflammatory. Contains lactic acid to disinfect colon and digestion problem. It can reduce headache, asthma, bronchitis. Has anti-cancer properties especially skin problems. Cabbage juice is good for gastritis. The juice is proven to be good in mouth ulcers. Has cleansing power for stomach waste.

It improves digestion and reduce constipation. It kills harmful bacteria. The outer leaves has source of vitamin E. The chlorophyll of cabbage is good source for blood building. It can soothe pain in enlargement of the breast by putting the peeled-off outer layer of cabbage to the affected area. Place under the brassiere until the leaves wither.

The amino acid in cabbage is called glutamine, a cleanser to digestive system repairing and healing, regenerating of ulcers. A compound called histidine can treat allergies. It can regulate the T-cells of the immune system.

The leaves of cabbage is good in wrapping the area of sores, wound, psoriasis, skin ulcers or skin burns. To bandage until the leaves will wither. It help cleanse the mucus membrane in the digestive tract due to sulfur content, iodine and chlorine properties. It inhibits the conversion of sugar into fat. Presence of anti-oxidant protects skin cells and has benefits in anti-aging. Anti-oxidant properties called glucosinolates, improves the ability of the body to detoxify and remove harmful hormones and chemicals. Glutamine, increases the ability of the body to secrete growth hormones. Isothiocyanites, offer protection to the bladder. The sulforaphene protects colon-cancer susceptible genes and inhibits cancer. The polyphenols, protects brain cells against damage and death from oxidative stress. The indo-3-carbinol, a compound used as therapy for respiratory illness, regulates the formation and function of estrogen. It prevents scurvy. Ancient remedy for tuberculosis.

Precaution:  Do not eat raw cabbage. Do not eat if you have goiter.Do not eat if taking a MAOI antidepressants. Do not cook red cabbage as it cause constipation. It can irritate the colon of the intestine. Some person suffered gas. It interferes the uptake of iodine especially those with goiter. It can trigger migraine headache because of properties called thyramine.

Method of use: salad, vegetable, juice, syrup

-Cabbage juice used as gargle for sore throat, eye wash

-Decoction good for digestive problem (colitis)

-Syrup in decoction (cough, asthma, bronchitis)

-Fresh leaves for wounds

-Lotion from juice relieves burn bites, cold sores, acne


Jackfruit came from Asian countries including Philippines. It was cultivated in a tropical environment. It is the largest fruits ever known by man. Has a fleshy fruit, sweet aroma, delicious taste. Enormous, prickly (spine), oval in outside appearance. It has pods and bulbs inside. The bulbs s the fleshy covering to the seed, sticky with white milk. The bulb can be eaten, cut or cooked. Unripe is good as vegetables, a substitute to meat.

Properties: Phytonutrients: lignans, isoflavones, saponins, anti-cancer, anti-hypertensive, anti-ulcer, anti-aging.

It contains Vitamin A, vitamin C, thiamine, riboflavin, calcium, potassium, iron, sodium, zinc and niacin. It has low calorie content. Seeds valued for its high value in nutrition.

Potassium help to lower blood pressure. Has anti-oxidant properties due to its vitamin C. It protects the body from free radicals  by holding the cells together. It strengthen the immune system against infection. Make the gum healthy. It prevent any form of cancers in the body. It slowdown the degeneration of cells making the skin soft, glow, youthful in complexion and with radiant look.

It can fight against digestive problems like stomach ulcers, indigestion, hyperacidity. For those suffering from asthma, jackfruit can help. It has low saturated fat. It increases energy levels, build up longer strength and energy. It can extend life span. Less vulnerable to illness due to improve immune system. Boiled roots is helpful in the prevention of diarrhea and fever.

Other uses:

-Ripe meat can be frozen, dried, in can (brine), made into syrup.

-Its seeds can be eaten roasted, boiled, dried, salted.

-Used in chutney, jam, jellies, paste, preserved fruits, candies, in honey or syrup.

-Pulp in ice cream, beverages, jackfruit honey.

-Reduced to concentrated powder.

-Used in preparing drinks.

-Seeds can be grounded t make into flour blended with wheat for baking purposes.

-Young leaves used as fodder for cattle and other livestocks.