Tag Archive: consumption

Garlic is a kind of plant widely used in the kitchen. It is the most sought ingredients in restaurants. It has an aromatic smell and unique taste for a good culinary menu. It was used powdered, dried and fresh.

The physical characteristics of garlic has many small clives separately attached. The height is 9 inches or more. It has many varieties with different cultural management from the duration of its growth up to harvest time.

This bulbs  and cloves are encased or covered with thin paper-like sheathes. It has slight pink, off-white or pure white color. It can easily be cut into small portion lengthwise or crosswise. To enhance its smell, to crush the garlic is the best method to use.  Its hot pungent smell can make you cry if near your eyes. It can easily invite tears if crushed.

Thiosulfinates, a powerful sulfur-containing compounds, allicin is the compound of thiosulfinates. Alilin, the compound of sulfoxides. Ajoelene, the compound of dithlins. This was the reasons of garlic pungent odor.

But even with irritating odor, the benefits are numerous. A regular consumption found to reduce elevated blood pressure. It has the ability to control elevated cholesterol levels. It stimulates nitric oxide production in the lining of the blood vessel wall that makes the blood vessel wall to relax instead of constricting. It is  good in the aggregation of platelet in the blood, the same benefits in a stable serum triglyceride level.

Garlic can prevent plaque formation in the artery calcification that will lead to coronary disease. Garlic has anti-oxidant properties. It prevents free radical in the bloodstream. Taking a dose of garlic extract once a day is enough to lessen its numbers.

Vitamin B6 found in garlic lowers level of homocysteine that damaged the blood vessel walls through cellular biochemical process. Garlic has selenium that has protective ability to shield against carcinogen and metal toxicity. Vitamin E control fat-soluble areas in the body thereby reducing the bad cholesterol in the blood. On the other hand, vitamin C protect the water-soluble areas in the body against invaders that are trying to control its weak points easy for them to inhabit and destroy.

Allicin, a potent antibacterial and anti-viral compound that can kill harmful microbes. Garlic  properties has potent remedy for the treatment of cold and flu. Manganese in garlic is a trace minerals that help other compounds with antioxidant defense enzymes like the superoxide dismutase to prevent cancer-causing foreign materials to attack the body.

Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties to reduce the pain and inflammation of all forms of arthritis. The presence of Helicobacter pylori (bacteria) caused a severe peptic disease. It damaged the stomach  lining that caused the bleeding. Eating garlic keep this bacteria to do further damage to the sensitive lining of the intestines.

Too much exposure to the heat of the sun may cause skin problem. If not controlled, it will lead to a several health problem   the skin cancer. Ajoelene, the organosulfur compound in garlic has potent property to prevent nodular or basal cell carcinoma to destroy the skin.  Topical application to affected area produced effective result.

Colon cancer is the common form of stomach cancer. Allicin, a chemical compound in garlic protect colon cells against the toxicity of cancer-causing chemicals and stop further growth of cancer cells.

Heterocyclic amine, an anti-cancer causing chemicals found to be the cause of increased mortality rate of breast cancer.  Meat has its own DNA damaging compound. Too much eating of meat will transform this compound into a deadly weapon.

An organosulfur compound known as diallyl sulphide allow the genes to produce antioxidant enzymes, the glutathione-s-transferase compound in the body. With this prevention, the body is assured to defend any threat from outside forces whose only intention is to destroy a healthy body.

Try garlic!!! It has many useful benefits compared to its pungent smell.


Known as green beans (munggo), under the family Vigna radiata from India. It has green hush. If de-husked it has yellow in color. It has a small, green in color with ovoid in shape. Most of the uses is through sprouts. The sprouts should be 2 inches long ready for consumption.

Properties: antioxidant, phyto-chemicals, isoflavones, coumestans, lignant

Uses: Making noodles, fried cake, sprouts as fresh salads, soups, juices. Beans products (soybean curd, oil, bean curd, soy flour, soy milk and soy sauce). Dried soybeans, pickled soy, healthy snacks (dried, roasted).

The sprouts contains vitamin C. Those who eat more serving a week can reduce the chances of developing colorectal adenomas. Its fiber can combine with bile acid, has the capacity to reduce the bile stimulating the body’s conversion of blood cholesterol into bile resulting to lower levels of blood cholesterol. It has a group molecules called saponins, a phyto-nutrient.

It is used as slimming food. Low in fat but rich source in protein. Its fiber can lower high cholesterol level. It also has complex carbohydrates good to improve digestion.  It also stabilizes blood sugar in the body. Mostly, it elevates after meals.

It is an energy booster. It has a beneficial effect in the control of diabetes and high cholesterol levels. The sprouts also contains vitamin A,B, E with various minerals and vitamins like calcium, iron, and potassium.

Sprouts considered a biogenic foods needed for cell regeneration. It has anti-oxidant properties to protect cells for damage. It has an alkalizing effect on the body. Good for the relief of hot flashes. It gives support for better hormonal function of the body.

The presence of minerals and other micro-nutrients, amino acids played an important role in the metabolic process of the body. Due to its power to enhance metabolism, it can fight aging. Good for atherosclerosis prevention. It can prevent the accumulation of fats in the arteries.

It has lecithin for building muscles and growth development. Can relieve indigestion by improving appetite.

Peanuts came from legume family (fabaceae) in  Mexico. An annual herbaceous plant with 1 to 1.5 feet tall. The leaves are opposite, pinnate with 4 leaflets. Its peanuts shell has 2 seeds with brown seed coats.

Properties: tryptophan, threonine, isoleucine, leucine, methionine, cystine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, valine, arginine, histidine, alanine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glycine, proline, serine.

It has mono-unsaturated fat. It helps maintain good cholesterol level. It was found to reduce the risk of heart disease. Its niacin is good to brain health and blood flow. Its resvetrols, a chemical for anti-aging. It has good nutritional health benefits. It has the power to promote good heart health.

Frequent consumption of peanuts can prevent cardiovascular disease. It can prevent malignancy like colorectal cancer. It provides protection against alzheimers disease and age-related diseases.

It has the ability to control weight gain. It helps boosts energy level of men. It has anti-oxidant properties for all types of cancers. The presence of fibers helps keep the good bacteria in the guts by breaking down the food we eat. Can prevent the formation of gallstones. Good for those people doing body-building as diet and those weak and underweight persons.

Food allergy reaction: skin rash, hives, itching, eczema, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, tingling in the mouth, wheezing or nasal congestion, trouble breathing, dizziness, lightheadedness.

Good source of calcium and vitamin D.  Good for bone health and healthy teeth, osteoporosis in later life. It helps to regulate the rate of blood sugar and rise of insulin level especially in type-2 diabetes.

Has vitamin B, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin E, calcium, iron, potassium, fat, carbohydrates, protein and calories.

Has good source of co-enzyme Q10 protecting the heart from lack of oxygen due to clogged arteries. Has vitamin E, a powerful anti-oxidant to reduce risk of cancers. Iron better function of red blood cells. It acclerates growth of male and female hormones.

Uses: boiled peanuts, salted peanuts, peanut butter, peanut brittles, shelled peanuts, roasted peanuts. Used in sandwiches, candies, bakery products. Used in industrial products like cosmetics, nitroglycerin, plastics, dyes and paints. Peanut oil used in cooking, peanut flour. Industrial products like varnish, lubricating oil, leather dressing, furniture polish, insecticides, soap, plastic, wallboard, abrasives, fuel, cellulose (rayon and paper) and glue.


There are many colors a carrot has like purple, yellow, red and white. But the common color is orange. There are more than a hundred varieties varies in sizes and colors. It has aromatic taste of a mint, crunchy texture and sweet taste. Its color is the result of pigmentation called anthocyanin pytonutrients responsible to such color.

For storing purposes, it should be firm, smooth, straight. The deeper the orange color, the more the presence of beta-carotene. The sweetness of carrot depend on the core of the carrot. If it has a deeper color, it is sweeter because its sugars are concentrated there. In selecting, avoid a dark-color carrots as it might not be fresh. The green tops should be brightly colored. Avoid wilted top.

The secret of storing is to minimize the loss of its moisture to ensure the continued freshness to keep it longer. Put it in the coolest portion of the ref inside a plastic bag. It should be stored separately among the gas-forming fruits and vegetables to avoid a bitter taste. Do not store carrot with green tops because it can cause wilting.

Carrots can be eaten fresh. If to be cooked, its beta-carotene properties will remain. In cooking, it breaks down the fiber retaining the sweetness. In eating fresh, clean thoroughly. Wash and gently scrub. Use vegetable brush to make the effort easy. Due to pesticides , it should be peeled-off. End of the stem should be cut-away to avoid bitterness in eating.

An organic carrots planted without the use of pesticides is much safer and not risky to health. Eating carrots should be controlled. Excessive consumption may cause carotoderma. The sign is an orange and yellow cast in the skin and the palm as well as by having an excessive carotene in the blood.  Eating including drinking a juice excessively can do inability to convert this food into vitamin A.

It has a crunchy texture and sweet taste. It has a thick, deeply colored root, fleshy, grows underground, feathery green leaves. Excellent source of anti-oxidant compound vitamin A, carotene. The anti-oxidant properties are good in the treatment of cardiovascular disease. It protect the existence of cancer.

It is good for the eyes. It protects vision. A pigment called rhodopsin is necessary for night vision. With his antioxidant properties, it can protect the existence of macular degeneration and developmet of cataract. It is a most common to old person caused by cataract. If not treated immediately, it will cause blindness.

A person with high intake of carrots can decrease the incidence of cancers (breast, esophagus, colon, larynx, cervix, bladder). It cut the rate of lung cancer. It is beneficial in the control of blood sugar. The presence of phytonutrients called falcarinol is responsible to assist reduction from the risk of  having cancer. It protects the body from colon cancer.

Exposure from second-hand smoke can be remedied by eating carrots. The presence of benzo(a) pyrene can cause vitamin A deficiency. It can be controlled by eating more vitamin A. Eating carrots is good to control emphysema.