Tag Archive: metabolism


Known as green beans (munggo), under the family Vigna radiata from India. It has green hush. If de-husked it has yellow in color. It has a small, green in color with ovoid in shape. Most of the uses is through sprouts. The sprouts should be 2 inches long ready for consumption.

Properties: antioxidant, phyto-chemicals, isoflavones, coumestans, lignant

Uses: Making noodles, fried cake, sprouts as fresh salads, soups, juices. Beans products (soybean curd, oil, bean curd, soy flour, soy milk and soy sauce). Dried soybeans, pickled soy, healthy snacks (dried, roasted).

The sprouts contains vitamin C. Those who eat more serving a week can reduce the chances of developing colorectal adenomas. Its fiber can combine with bile acid, has the capacity to reduce the bile stimulating the body’s conversion of blood cholesterol into bile resulting to lower levels of blood cholesterol. It has a group molecules called saponins, a phyto-nutrient.

It is used as slimming food. Low in fat but rich source in protein. Its fiber can lower high cholesterol level. It also has complex carbohydrates good to improve digestion.  It also stabilizes blood sugar in the body. Mostly, it elevates after meals.

It is an energy booster. It has a beneficial effect in the control of diabetes and high cholesterol levels. The sprouts also contains vitamin A,B, E with various minerals and vitamins like calcium, iron, and potassium.

Sprouts considered a biogenic foods needed for cell regeneration. It has anti-oxidant properties to protect cells for damage. It has an alkalizing effect on the body. Good for the relief of hot flashes. It gives support for better hormonal function of the body.

The presence of minerals and other micro-nutrients, amino acids played an important role in the metabolic process of the body. Due to its power to enhance metabolism, it can fight aging. Good for atherosclerosis prevention. It can prevent the accumulation of fats in the arteries.

It has lecithin for building muscles and growth development. Can relieve indigestion by improving appetite.

It belongs to Morceae family, growing 40 to 60 feet high. It has large oval, glossy green leaves three to nine lobes toward the apex. It has a separate groups of male and female flowers on the same tree. The ripe fruit are round, greenish or brownish green in color with white fibrous pulp. It can be eaten if cooked. An excellent snack that can be eaten in between meals or during the day. It contains large quantity of sugars and carbohydrates.

If ripe, it is soft. The inside is yellow, cream-colored flesh. Come from Malayan peninsula and other tropical countries. It is a staple food with high energy level. Contains amount of fiber. It decreases bad cholesterol and triglycerides, the reason of heart attack. It lowers the bad cholesterol and elevate the good cholesterol levels, thus, protecting the body from the onset of heart attack.

Found to be helpful in diabetes control by absorbing the glucose of the food. It helps to work in the intestines and bowel movement properly and removing junk materials (waste) in the intestines. Good in preventing colon cancer.

-It has enough amount of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids helping the mind and body to work properly. This fatty acids has stimulating ability to the skin and the growth of hair. It regulates our metabolism. It promote reproduction and stimulates for good bone health.

It contains Vitamin C, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, iron and phosphorus. Due to its rich energy, the body needs warmth atmosphere. It can  make the body active to work or play. The leaves are effective in treating enlarged spleen, ailing kidneys, liver disease and dental pain. It has anti-inflammatory properties.

Properties: hidrosianot, asetilcolin, tannins, riboflavin

Preparation: Prepare 3 pieces of leaves, dark green still clinging to the branch. Wash in running water. Shredded and dry in the sun. Fill container with 2 liters of clean water. The container should be pottery clay or stainless steel pans. Put the dried leaves and cook until it boils. It should remain 1/2 of the quantity and made into a bitter tea.