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A member of nightshade family. It grows several inches from the ground.. When they began to fruit, the color is deeply purple. There are many varieties of eggplant with different shade of colors, the color of orange, yellow white, green or lavender. They have different sizes and shapes. It has unique bitter taste. The skin has glassy, spongy texture. There are eggplants that has cream color. The flesh has several seeds arranged in conical pattern. It originated from the wild of India brought to another region of the world and cultivated it as vegetables. It becomes widely known in other countries and become popular in wet market.

Aside being a vegetable, it has other purpose. It becomes an alternative choice for herbal treatment. Research found that this vegetables has many health benefits helpful to arrest some of our common diseases.

It has phyto-nutrient chemicals as anti-oxidant. Its compound was known as phenolic compound (caffeic and chlorogenic acid). Its flavonoids properties is nasunin. Nasunin can be found in its skin, an anthocyanin phyto-nutrient. It is a potent anti-cancer chemicals, an ability to protect our cell membranes from any damage from free radicals. It can even protect the lipids (fats) in brain cell membranes. We understand that the cell membrane of the body are composed of lipids whose function is to absorb nutrients and waste it out.

Phenolic compound has the role to protect the body from oxidative stress. Eggplant has enough of this compound to control bacterial and fungi injection from exposure to harmful elements. Further, this phenolic acid in eggplant is the  reason why it has bitter taste. When the eggplant is being cut, the color inside the skin changes. Polyphenol oxidase, an enzyme causes the reaction of the phenolic compound by producing a brown pigments. Phenolic compound has chlorogenic acid who has anti-cancer (anthonutagenic), anti-microbial (bacteria) and anti-LDL (bad cholesterol) and anti-viral (virus) properties.

In the treatment of elevated cholesterol (high), the juice of eggplant can reduce it to normal level especially those cholesterol in the aorta and arteries hampering the smooth flow of the blood from artery to the heart and back in circulation to the body. When the wall of the blood vessels is not constricted by cholesterol and become relax, the blood flow improves.

Our body needs iron. It is important in the oxygen transport to different systems and have a normal function  including collagen synthesis. Nasunin as chelator of iron participate in the effective functioning of body’s organs.

Too much absorption of iron in the body will cause to increase free radical production. If there is abnormality, the risk of cancer and heart disease are high. Women who undergo menstrual flow every month will loss too much iron. And if the level of iron is reduced, there will be a high risk for a disease.

The only setback to the health by eating eggplant is the presence of oxalates. Too much concentration of oxalates will lead to its crystallization. It interferes calcium absorption. For those who have kidney or gallbladder problem, eating eggplant should be in moderation or in total avoidance.

Eggplant has lot concentration of dietary fibers. Other vitamins and minerals the eggplant has are the following: vitamin B1, B6, folate, magnesium, copper, potassium, niacin and manganese.

After harvesting eggplant from the field, it should be taken care of carefully as it is easily perish due to its sensitivity from cold and heat. Commonly used through eating, baking, roasting and streaming.

It has a delicate flavor, soft shell and creamy white flesh of summer squash. There are many varieties of squash. They varied in shape, color, size and flavor. The entire vegetables including its flesh, seeds and skin are edible. Some varieties of squash produced edible flowers. There are squash that cannot be stored for long period of time.

There are squash that are big, heavy for their size and have a shiny, unblemished rinds. Select only those that are not very hard. Over-mature squash has hard seeds and stringy flesh. Squash should be handled with care because any small puncture will lead to decay.

It was found that it has anti-cancer effect. The vegetable juices taken from squash has the ability to prevent cell mutations. Extract from squash found to reduce symptom of a condition of men called Benign Prostatic Hyperthrophy or BPH.  This disease occurred when the prostate glands become problematically enlarged that caused difficulty in urinary and sexual function. In combination with other phytonutrient-containing foods, squash can reduce BPH symptoms.

It is an excellent source of manganese and vitamin C. Has good source of magnesium, vitamin A notably through its concentration of carotene including betacarotene, fiber, potassium, folate, copper, riboflavin and phosphorus.

This nutrients are helpful for the prevention of atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease. Magnesium was shown to be helpful for reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke. Together with potassium and magnesium, it reduces high blood pressure. Vitamin C and beta-carotene help to prevent the oxidation of cholesterol. Oxidized cholesterol is build up in blood vessel walls. This nutrient reduces the progression of atherosclerosis.

Folate are needed by the body to break down a dangerous metabolic by-product called homocysteine that contributes to heart attack and stroke risk level if it gets too high. Its fibers can lower high cholesterol levels to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease.

Squash is useful in the prevention of other condition. High intake of fiber-rich food keep the cancer-causing toxins away from cells in the colon while the folate, vitamin C and betacarotene  protects these cells from the chemicals that lead to colon cancer. The anti-oxidant vitamin C and betacarotene have anti-inflammatory properties that are helpful in asthma, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis caused by inflammation. Copper is also good for reducing the painful symptom of rheumatoid arthritis.

Squash contains measurable amount of oxalate found in plants, animals and human beings. If the oxalate become too concentrated in body fluids, it can crystallize and cause health problem. An untreated kidney or gallbladder disease should avoid eating squash. Oxalate interfere with absorption of calcium from the body in small quantities. It should be taken with moderation.


Known as green beans (munggo), under the family Vigna radiata from India. It has green hush. If de-husked it has yellow in color. It has a small, green in color with ovoid in shape. Most of the uses is through sprouts. The sprouts should be 2 inches long ready for consumption.

Properties: antioxidant, phyto-chemicals, isoflavones, coumestans, lignant

Uses: Making noodles, fried cake, sprouts as fresh salads, soups, juices. Beans products (soybean curd, oil, bean curd, soy flour, soy milk and soy sauce). Dried soybeans, pickled soy, healthy snacks (dried, roasted).

The sprouts contains vitamin C. Those who eat more serving a week can reduce the chances of developing colorectal adenomas. Its fiber can combine with bile acid, has the capacity to reduce the bile stimulating the body’s conversion of blood cholesterol into bile resulting to lower levels of blood cholesterol. It has a group molecules called saponins, a phyto-nutrient.

It is used as slimming food. Low in fat but rich source in protein. Its fiber can lower high cholesterol level. It also has complex carbohydrates good to improve digestion.  It also stabilizes blood sugar in the body. Mostly, it elevates after meals.

It is an energy booster. It has a beneficial effect in the control of diabetes and high cholesterol levels. The sprouts also contains vitamin A,B, E with various minerals and vitamins like calcium, iron, and potassium.

Sprouts considered a biogenic foods needed for cell regeneration. It has anti-oxidant properties to protect cells for damage. It has an alkalizing effect on the body. Good for the relief of hot flashes. It gives support for better hormonal function of the body.

The presence of minerals and other micro-nutrients, amino acids played an important role in the metabolic process of the body. Due to its power to enhance metabolism, it can fight aging. Good for atherosclerosis prevention. It can prevent the accumulation of fats in the arteries.

It has lecithin for building muscles and growth development. Can relieve indigestion by improving appetite.