Tag Archive: digestion

LemonIt is one of the alkalizing foods. Lemon tree blooms and ripens its fruits once every month of the year especially in the month of January and May.

The finest quality fruits are those that are heavy in size. The fruit should possess abundant juices, minimum seeds and little waste fibers. A deep yellow color is the sign of best ripeness and more juices from the fruit. It must be formed when pressed, not hard or too soft.

800px-P1030323The only problem with fruit is that it cannot sustain even minor injuries, it can easily rot. Its internal decay can be found in the presence of molds in the injured area. There is sign of discoloration of the skin, softness at the stem end of the fruit. It should not be shrived or hard-skinned especially those that are too soft or spongy when hold as it will affect the quality of the fruits.

799px-Citrus_x_Limon_JPG1The juice of the lemon was being made into substitute vinegar, mostly used in salad dressings. It becomes flavoring agent in culinary preparation. It has sweet and sour taste.

It is used as shampooing to hair to soften that the hair in a lighter natural color. It has alkaline compounds. It has full of vitamin C. Preparation of nutritious drink or other usage should be made and used immediately. It nutrients will be lost if exposed to the air for long period of time. Other nutrients are potassium, vitamin B1, citric acid. It is an acidic fruit that should be taken care with caution especially those having ulcers.

Citric acid if taken can stir many body acids leading to discomfort and side effects. Too much acid in the body will not benefit for the general wellness of health. Acidemia occurred when the body failed to get rid of excess acid in the body. The acid will stay in the body due to its failure to eliminate at rapid rate causing an irritating effect in the various organs of the body especially the stomach. If the body can work in normal rate, the proportion of the acid is only enough as required.

Citrus can treat putrefaction especially those came from the liver. It stirs up accumulated toxin which cannot be carried out by the established way of elimination.

Found to be good in removing impurities in the impaired liver. Drinking citrus should be done occasionally, as regular using it as drink will thin the blood. It should not be taken in large dose in longer period of time.

Respiratory condition like throat infection (sore throat, canker sores) can be benefited by eradicating the inflammation. It is also good remedy for common colds due to changes in weather condition and suppresses it. The immune system can act normally boosted and enhance by lemon to resists to bacterial infection and other pathogenic organisms.

Drinking lemon aid digestion and shield the stomach against harmful toxins. Caution should be taken to those who are allergic with acid as it only worsens his condition.

Being an anti-inflammatory (germicide), lemon is best in the treatment of influenza. It was found to have beneficial effect to cure arteriosclerosis, the thickening of the arterial walls in the body. It has effectiveness in the treatment of rheumatism and other condition like arthritis, gout and other muscular difficulties. It was proven to be good in making circulatory system to do their work annually. Its antiseptic property is best to control bacteria in many diseases of the body. Its bioflavonoids has the power to strengthen the inner lining of the blood vessels (veins, capillaries) in circulating blood to the different body organs.

It alleviates painful varicose veins and may other skin disorders and restore a glowing skin. Mouth ulcers and bleeding gums can be treated by the use of lemon. It acts as tonic to the liver and pancreas and boosts their performance.

With lemon, it can improve weaken appetite and restore its interest to eat. For throat infection, using the juice as gargle or mouthwash is the best option. It relieves painful sting and insect bites because of its anti-bacterial properties.

The following compounds in the lemons are volatile oil, lmonene, alpha-terpinene, alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, citral, coumarins, bioflavonoids, vitamin A, B1, B2, B3 and C, mucilage.

Lemon plant has lemon oil in the skin of the plant and rind. It is being compressed in order to extract its oil. Lemon oil contains chemical properties of limonene, gamma-terpenene, beta-pinene, alpha-pinene, sabinene. The bacterial organisms can be remove quickly by its bactericidal properties especially those bacteria in meningococcus, typhoid bacilli, staphylococcus aureus strain, pneumococcus strain, diphtheria bacterial strain and TB strain.

Another vegetable in the limelight. It is called Brussel sprouts. It grows in bunches on the stem with the height of 2.5 feet tall. Its phyto-chemical properties encouraged the defense system of the body to protect it from harmful organism. Once it is controlled, the protection against many diseases are possible.

This vegetables has sulforaphane, a powerful glucosinolate phyto-nutrients. It helps body’s detoxification enzymes in its ability to alter gene expression by cleaning the body of all carcinogenic substances. By reducing the damage to the DNA, there will be a reduced risk of cancer. At the same time, it boost the liver to produce enzymes that has the capacity to detoxify cancer-causing chemicals.

Brussel sprouts can assist the body to stop the spread of cancer cells to the internal organs especially in the early stage of its development.

A chemical called glucosinolates has the ability to prevent colon cancer from the exposure of heterocyclic amines, the carcinogenic compound, putting a stop or reduce the development of cancer cells in colon and liver. Brussel sprouts has an effective protective ability to control and eliminate.

Senigrin, a sulfur compound, activates once this vegetables are used, cut, chewed and digested in the body. If in contact with myrosinase enzyme, it releases a glucose including the compound called isothiocyanates, has strong potency to induce enzyme of the liver to detoxify carcinogen. Allyl isothiocyanates, another kind, prevent cell division (mitosis) and encourage programmed cell death (apoptosis).

All cruciferous vegetables including Brussel sprouts can lower incidence of very serious form of cancers (lung, colon, breast, bladder, ovary).

Bladder can be protected by isothiocyanates, a potent compound. An anti-oxidant chemicals can control free radicals to damage DNA,  fat-containing molecules (cholesterol) and cell membranes. It encourage the gene to increase production of enzymes in order to get rid this free radicals.

This vegetables has excellent source of vitamin C. With vitamin C, it helps the immune system to carry out its function to the maximum efficiency. It produces collagen, a protein substance the body relied to its existence (skin, cartilage, tendon and connective tissues).

With vitamin C, the body can defend against infection. Vitamin A and C, make a supple and glowing skin. Brussel sprouts has fibers. Regular intake of fibers can fill up the stomach to ease the hunger. It nourishes the cell lining in the walls of the colon to become healthy. It controls diverticulitis. Good in the performance of the digestive system by having a soft bulky stool easily excreted out of the intestine.

It has enough supply of folic acid necessary for better division of cells. Woman with decrease amount of folic acid during her pregnancy may affect the nervous system of the fetus and cannot develop properly that may result to some form of birth defect.

Take Brussel sprouts. It can make wonder to make the body healthy.


Known as green beans (munggo), under the family Vigna radiata from India. It has green hush. If de-husked it has yellow in color. It has a small, green in color with ovoid in shape. Most of the uses is through sprouts. The sprouts should be 2 inches long ready for consumption.

Properties: antioxidant, phyto-chemicals, isoflavones, coumestans, lignant

Uses: Making noodles, fried cake, sprouts as fresh salads, soups, juices. Beans products (soybean curd, oil, bean curd, soy flour, soy milk and soy sauce). Dried soybeans, pickled soy, healthy snacks (dried, roasted).

The sprouts contains vitamin C. Those who eat more serving a week can reduce the chances of developing colorectal adenomas. Its fiber can combine with bile acid, has the capacity to reduce the bile stimulating the body’s conversion of blood cholesterol into bile resulting to lower levels of blood cholesterol. It has a group molecules called saponins, a phyto-nutrient.

It is used as slimming food. Low in fat but rich source in protein. Its fiber can lower high cholesterol level. It also has complex carbohydrates good to improve digestion.  It also stabilizes blood sugar in the body. Mostly, it elevates after meals.

It is an energy booster. It has a beneficial effect in the control of diabetes and high cholesterol levels. The sprouts also contains vitamin A,B, E with various minerals and vitamins like calcium, iron, and potassium.

Sprouts considered a biogenic foods needed for cell regeneration. It has anti-oxidant properties to protect cells for damage. It has an alkalizing effect on the body. Good for the relief of hot flashes. It gives support for better hormonal function of the body.

The presence of minerals and other micro-nutrients, amino acids played an important role in the metabolic process of the body. Due to its power to enhance metabolism, it can fight aging. Good for atherosclerosis prevention. It can prevent the accumulation of fats in the arteries.

It has lecithin for building muscles and growth development. Can relieve indigestion by improving appetite.


Tea is a single plant under Camellia sinensis. It is small evergreen shrub that can grow to 30 feet high with many branches. It has a grey and rough bark. The leaves is lanceolate or elliptical with dark green leaves. The young leaves are hairy while older leaves are glabrous.

Catechins, a powerful flavonoids has healing properties. It is called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. It can burn fat and able to lower elevated cholesterol especially bad cholesterol. Green tea is anti-virus controller.

The anti-oxidant of green tea are polyphenols, bioflavoids by neutralizing harmful fats. It can lower blood pressure. It blocks cancer-causing chemicals. It inhibit bacteria and other viruses. It improves digestion. It protects against ulcers and strokes.

Green tea has a green chlorophyll molecules. It has pro-anthocyanadins. It controls cancer. It protects the liver and brain against oxidation. It can cure gum disease.

Tea contains significant amount of caffeine. It safeguards against breast cancer and other forms of cancers. Has anti-bacterial properties against harmful digestive bacteria. It lowers oxidized LDL cholesterol. It raises good cholesterol.

Properties:  polyphenols, flavonoids, catechins (epicatechin (EC), epigallocatechins (EGC), epigallo-catechin-3 gallate), bioflavonoids (flayonoids, polyphenols, catechins).

Urinary tract can function well  in drinking a tea. Good for food poisoning. It soothes indigestion. It prevents cavities for healthy teeth. It reduces lesion in the aorta especially if injured or wounded).

It has a significant  cholesterol lowering effect. The chemical properties of pycnogenol can control the dangerous free radicals called nitric oxide. It is called a dilators by improving the flexibility of the blood vessels to avoid clogging. Helps to boost the immune system. It helps to prevent obesity by reducing fats. It has a bitter taste and stimulating effect.

It triggers contraction of the muscles. Good as mouthwash due to anti-bacterial properties. It has the capability to contract the  gum to keep them firm. It allows tightness of the set of teeth to prevent falling and loosening. As hair grower, putting hair stronger.

Uses: Hot water infusion of leaves. Tea can handle rigorous exercise by expediting energy. Best for hang-over and fatigue for too much consumption of alcohol.

It has a soft, butter-like consistency. It is deliciously sweet to eat. It can be found in the market a whole year round. It is spherical or pear-shaped with measurement of more or less 20 inches. The flesh has rich orange in color with yellow or pink hues. It contains papain, good for indigestion. It can be found in raw fruit. It came from Central America. It grows in clusters drawn by a tuft of leaves on long footstalks. It has thick rind and black seeds. Used as meat tenderizer (raw) by using juice or slice raw fruits. It has hollow cavity with numerous small seeds.

Properties: Rich source in anti-oxidant like carotenes, vitamin C, flavonoids. Has vitamin B, folate, pantothenic acid, minerals, potassium, magnesium and fiber. Paraoxonase, an enzyme that inhibits LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol oxidation. Has homocysteine, cysteine, methionine, papain, chymopapain, chitinases, tonic, stomachic, stimulant, laxative, digestive and rejuvenative. Has pepsin, beta-cryptoxanthin, and benzyl isothiocyanates, tocopherols.

Good in the prevention of atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease. Prevent the oxidation of cholesterol. The presence of plaque may cause heart attack or strokes. Good source of fiber. Good in lowering high cholesterol level. It has the capacity to prevent colon cancer by binding the toxin of the colon.

It has a protein-digesting enzymes to lower inflammation and improve the healing of skin burn. It helps for the proper function of a healthy immune system. It is proven to control ear infection, colds and flu. It can lower the risk of aged-related macular degeneration that cause vision loss in adults. Can protect rheumatoid arthritis because of its anti-oxidant that can protect inflammation of the joints.

It has vitamin A that can help to prevent disease due to secondhand smoke or being a smoker. By smoking, it can cause lung inflammation and emphysema. Due to its lycopene properties, it can control prostate cancer. Good alternative for those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. Useful in relieving digestive disorders and stomach troubles.

It has pepsin properties, a powerful protein digesting enzyme that has a digestive action in the stomach. When the natural juice in the body reduced or decline, it can cause incomplete digestion and further the presence of gas, bloating, stomach discomfort and heartburn.

It has an active blood clotting agent to control bleeding. Good in the control of intestinal worms. The juice of raw fruit can prevent skin diseases (corns, wart, pimples, horny skin). It removes freckles and make the skin smooth and delicate in appearance. A paste of seeds is good for ringworm. Alternative treatment of chronic diarrhea. Good in the stimulation  to secret more milk of mother during childbirth. Vitamin A accelerates formation of new cells. Vitamin C builds capillary strength.

Cabbage is a member of cruciferae family. It has round shape, superimposed leaf  layers. The 3 types of cabbage are green, savoy and red. Green and red has smooth textured leaves. The leaves of savoy are yellowish-green and ruffled. The inner leaves has lighter in color because it is not directly expose to the heat of the sun. It was used both food and medicine. Brought to Europe 600 B.C. by Celtic people. It become very popular in local food production.

It is a a hardy vegetable grows in fertile soil. Head shape is standard round, flattened, pointed. Most varieties has smooth leaves. A biennial of perennial plants, thick stem, gray-green leaves, four-petal flowers, growing 8 feet, produces enlarged terminal buds into cabbage head.

Properties: bitter, stomachic, cardiotonic, anti-gout, anti-rheumatic, diuretic, laxative, anthelmintic, sulforaphane, glutathione, anthocyanin, lactic acid, glutamine, histidine, isothiocyanates, indo-3-carbinol

It has the capability to fight cancer (lung, stomach, colon, prostate). Good source of vitamin C, fiber, potassium and other nutrients. It provides beta-carotene, an anti-oxidant that battles cancer and heart diseases. It has rich source of calcium. It helps to prevent osteoporosis. Good in controlling blood pressure.

Indoles, the phytochemicals in cabbage, still in the process in confirming their ability to convert into estradiol, an estrogen-like hormone, a key player in the birth of breast cancer. The phytonutrients of cabbage has the capacity to increase the production of enzymes. It is a muscle builder. Good as blood cleansing agent. Can strengthen the eye and its vision.

Proven to heal stomach ulcer. Rich in iron and sulfur. The juice of cabbage can treat fungus because of its sulfur content. It has the ability to lower serum cholesterol. Sulforaphane, is a substance that increases the production of anti-oxidant and detoxification enzymes. It stimulates the production of glutathione, oxidant in liver detoxification. The vitamin C contents of red cabbage is higher. It contains anthocyanin (red pigment) helps protects the brain cells, preventing Alzheimer’s disease. It can relieve sore eyes and control infection.

It is anti-inflammatory. Contains lactic acid to disinfect colon and digestion problem. It can reduce headache, asthma, bronchitis. Has anti-cancer properties especially skin problems. Cabbage juice is good for gastritis. The juice is proven to be good in mouth ulcers. Has cleansing power for stomach waste.

It improves digestion and reduce constipation. It kills harmful bacteria. The outer leaves has source of vitamin E. The chlorophyll of cabbage is good source for blood building. It can soothe pain in enlargement of the breast by putting the peeled-off outer layer of cabbage to the affected area. Place under the brassiere until the leaves wither.

The amino acid in cabbage is called glutamine, a cleanser to digestive system repairing and healing, regenerating of ulcers. A compound called histidine can treat allergies. It can regulate the T-cells of the immune system.

The leaves of cabbage is good in wrapping the area of sores, wound, psoriasis, skin ulcers or skin burns. To bandage until the leaves will wither. It help cleanse the mucus membrane in the digestive tract due to sulfur content, iodine and chlorine properties. It inhibits the conversion of sugar into fat. Presence of anti-oxidant protects skin cells and has benefits in anti-aging. Anti-oxidant properties called glucosinolates, improves the ability of the body to detoxify and remove harmful hormones and chemicals. Glutamine, increases the ability of the body to secrete growth hormones. Isothiocyanites, offer protection to the bladder. The sulforaphene protects colon-cancer susceptible genes and inhibits cancer. The polyphenols, protects brain cells against damage and death from oxidative stress. The indo-3-carbinol, a compound used as therapy for respiratory illness, regulates the formation and function of estrogen. It prevents scurvy. Ancient remedy for tuberculosis.

Precaution:  Do not eat raw cabbage. Do not eat if you have goiter.Do not eat if taking a MAOI antidepressants. Do not cook red cabbage as it cause constipation. It can irritate the colon of the intestine. Some person suffered gas. It interferes the uptake of iodine especially those with goiter. It can trigger migraine headache because of properties called thyramine.

Method of use: salad, vegetable, juice, syrup

-Cabbage juice used as gargle for sore throat, eye wash

-Decoction good for digestive problem (colitis)

-Syrup in decoction (cough, asthma, bronchitis)

-Fresh leaves for wounds

-Lotion from juice relieves burn bites, cold sores, acne


Guava was very popular in Asian countries like Philippines. It has a pear-shaped or round shaped form. It has colors of green, yellow or maroon when ripe. It has white or maroon flesh. Has lots of hard seeds enveloping in the sweet and sugary pulp. It can be eaten raw or ripe. It is made into jellies and jam. It has many nutrients. Its name is Psidium Guajava. It has 50 calories packed with fibers. Sweetness are very satisfying and tasty.

Its chemical properties are anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, guaijaverin, lycopene, carotene, lipo-protein.

Rich in compound that make the mouth fresh after chewing leaves. Good in building up loose bowels (diarrhea). It is a astringent making the gum tighter. It has an anti-bacterial properties to cure dysentery due to bacterial infection by inhibiting any growth of microbes by removing the presence of mucus from the intestines. This astringent are alkaline.

Good source of Vitamin C. Because of carotene and potassium, it strengthen the digestive system. Due to its anti-oxidant properties, it can cure gastroenteritis. It has good source of fiber that can remedy constipation. It can retain water and has a capacity to clean the intestines especially the excretory system. Guava can lead to proper excretion of waste and digestion of foods.

The juice of guava give relief to cold and cough by loosening the mucus. You can use decoction of leaves or eating immature fruit. It can disinfect the respiratory tract. It helps maintain skin texture and improve it. Has vitamin A and B. Good anti-oxidant and detoxifier.

It helps control elevated blood cholesterol. It prevents thickening of the cholesterol by maintaining its fluidity to avoid hypertension. A refined flour can elevate blood pressure as if is converted into sugar. Due to its fibers it can control any elevation of blood pressure.

Guava is ideal in losing weight due to high content of roughage. Rich in vitamins, proteins and minerals,. less carbohydrates and has no cholesterol. Good in filling a hungry stomach. Due to its vitamin C  properties, it can treat scurvy. Can help to control diabetes. Protect against prostate disease due to its lycopene.

An aching tooth can be remedied using the juice of guava leaves. It is also good in swollen gum and oral ulcers, healing wounds because of its anti-bacterial properties against infection.

Inhibit bacteria that causes diarrhea by using guava leaf extract served as antibiotics. The leaf extract is good for acne. A flavanoid compound controls the growth of pathogen of dental caries. A guavas with more pink or orange in color has high concentration of carotenoids.

It improves night vision and prevent macular degeneration of the eye. It helps shrink and dissolve oils in the skin. It tighten loose skin making the skin to glow. Has rich in vitamin A,B, C and potassium. Helps eliminate toxin from the body taken from water, food and air. Its lipoprotein can increase the good cholesterol in the blood. It boots collagen production of the skin to look younger. Lessening the risk of developing colon cancer.


-pulp and peel (anti-oxidant)

-Essential oil and leaf extract (anti-bacterial)

-good as snacks (vitamin C)

-leaves and fruits (astringent)

-ingested seeds, chewed or whole (laxative)

Other uses: skin cream and geal, jam and jellies, fruit salads